JBSP Online: Patrick H. Byrne on Edith Stein & Bernard Lonergan

journal update

Patrick H. Byrne’s essay for the Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, online in advance of the paper edition.

Patrick H. Byrne – ‘Empathy, Insight and Objectivity: Edith Stein & Bernard Lonergan’ (Originally published online: 18 June 2019).

Abstract: Edith Stein’s study of empathy has much to offer to the current growth of research into empathy. This article first summarizes her phenomenological account of the complex layers involved in empathy. It then identifies certain gaps in her analyses, and proposes that what Bernard Lonergan called “insight” fills the missing gaps. Conversely, it argues that Lonergan’s account of human subjectivity would be enriched by Stein’s insights about empathy. It concludes by explaining how supplementing Stein’s account with analyses of insights provides an answer to the question of how empathy can be objective knowledge.

Full article: https://doi.org/10.1080/00071773.2019.1630906

Patrick H. Byrne, Philosophy Department, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, USA

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The online version of the Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology publishes articles in advance of the paper edition. Articles can be accessed via our publisher’s website: JBSP at Taylor & Francis Online. Access to the JBSP is free to all members of the society, who also receive the quarterly paper copy of the journal as part of their subscription. You can find out more about becoming a member and supporting the BSP on the membership webpage. If you are not a member of the BSP, you can purchase articles from the site, or log in using institutional or personal access via Shibboleth and OpenAthens.

Early bird registration is now open for the British Society for Phenomenology’s 2019 Annual Conference.
The conference is to be held in Manchester, UK, from Thursday 5 – Saturday 7 September 2019. Early bird registration runs until Wednesday 31 July 2019 (midnight BST). For more details – including keynote speakers – see the BSP 2019 annual conference homepage.