Call for Reviewers

The online journal Phenomenological Reviews seeks qualified reviewers for the books listed below. New reviewers should include description of qualifications.

Contributions should include both an in-depth reconstruction and a critical assessment of the book’s argument and should be between 3000 and 5000 words in length. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum.

Deadline: October 15, 2022.

Please contact the editors at [email protected] with any expressions of interest.

  1. Luz Ascarate: Imaginer selon Paul Ricoeur, Hermann, 2022
  2. Nils Baratella, Johanna Hueck, Kirstin Zeyer (Hg.): Existenz und Freiheit, Schwabe, 2022
  3. Renaud Barbaras: Introduction to a Phenomenology of Life, Indiana University Press, 2022
  4. Richard Capobianco: Heidegger and the Holy, Rowman & Littlefield International, 2022
  5. Manuel DeLanda: Materialist Phenomenology: A Philosophy of Perception, Bloomsbury, 2022
  6. Jeffrey Hanson (Anthology Editor), Brian Harding (Anthology Editor), Michael R. Kelly (Anthology Editor): Michel Henry’s Practical Philosophy, Bloomsbury, 2022
  7. Marie-Eve Morin: Merleau-Ponty and Nancy on Sense and Being, Edinburgh University Press, 2022
  8. Jan Patočka: Il mondo naturale e il movimento dell’esistenza umana, MIM Edizioni, 2022
  9. Thomas Pfau: Incomprehensible Certainty, Notre Dame Press, 2022
  10. Joseph Rivera: Phenomenology and the Horizon of Experience, Routledge, 2021
  11. Alexander Schnell: Zeit, Einbildung, Ich: Phänomenologische Interpretation von Kants “Transzendentaler Kategorien-Deduktion”, Klostermann, 2022
  12. Anthony J. Steinbock (Ed.): Phenomenology and Perspectives on the Heart (Contributions to Phenomenology, 117), Springer, 2022
  13. Samuel Thoma: Im Offenen: Henri Maldineys Philosophie der Psychosen, Turia & Kant, 2022
  14. Simon Truwant: Cassirer and Heidegger in Davos: The Philosophical Arguments, Cambridge University Press, 2022f