Introducing ‘Agora’: The New Statesman’s Popular Philosophy Column

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Aaron James Wendland has just recently launched The New Statesman’s philosophy column, featuring articles employing phenomenology from Al-Saji, Zahavi and Carman.

Aaron James Wendland has recently launched a New Statesman’s philosophy column, which should be of interest to BSP members. The column is titled ‘Agora: A Market Place of Ideas’, and is available online.

Wendland is assistant professor of philosophy at the Higher School of Economics, a Heidegger scholar, and is co-editor (along with Christopher Merwin and Christos Hadjioannou) of Heidegger on Technology (Routledge 2018). ‘The column,’ says Wendland ‘aims to provide a space for publicly-minded academics to address contemporary social, cultural, and political issues from a philosophical point of view.’

Phenomenology has already been featured in Agora with an article by Alia Al-Saji (associate professor of philosophy at McGill University) drawing upon Merleau-Ponty. And going forward, Wendland will be running pieces from Dan Zahavi and Taylor Carman.

The column will cover all philosophical traditions. Kicking off Agora in early January 2019 with a piece titled ‘Philosophy must be dragged out of the ivory tower and into the marketplace of ideas’, Wendland explored what Socrates’ life can teach us all about human understanding. So far, Agora has also published pieces by Martha Nussbaum, Jeff McMahan, Judith Butler, and Tim Williamson. In the upcoming weeks there will be articles by Simon Blackburn, Wendy Brown, Sally Haslanger, and Peter Singer.

Wendland tells us he already has some 50+ contributors lined up for this year, but would be happy to have new pitches in 2020. Make a date in your diaries.

You can follow Wendland on Twitter @ajwendland for new articles and regular updates.