JBSP Online: Andrea Altobrando – ‘On Husserl’s so-called Reduction to the Real Component’

journal update

Now online, a new article for the Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology by Andrea Altobrando (University of Padua).

Andrea Altobrando – “On Husserl’s so-called Reduction to the Real Component (Reduktion auf den reellen Bestand)”

JBSP (Received 21 Nov 2022, Accepted 01 Oct 2023, Published online: 10 Oct 2023).

Abstract: As Dieter Lohmar (2002; 2012) has shown, in the Logical Investigation Husserl sketches a peculiar type of reduction, the so-called “Reduktion auf den reellen Bestand.” Husserl does not explicitly put this kind of reduction forward, though, and he does definitely not clarify how it works, and what its elements properly are. Lohmar proposes to understand it as a kind of empiricist reduction to mere sense-data. On the contrary, I believe that it should be considered as entailing also the apprehensional forms of sense-data, though not the so-called apprehensional senses. In this article, I will offer some arguments and textual evidence in favour of this claim, and I will conclude by proposing that, despite Husserl’s unclarity on the issue, the reduction to the real components of experience, rather than being simply an ancestor of the transcendental-phenomenological reduction, should be seen as the regulative model of all later forms of reduction.

Full article: https://doi.org/10.1080/00071773.2023.2267591

Andrea Altobrando, University of Padua

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