JBSP Online: John R. Bagby ‘Reconstructing Bergson’s Critique of Intensive Magnitude’

journal update

John R. Bagby’s essay for the Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, online in advance of the print edition.

John R. Bagby – ‘Reconstructing Bergson’s Critique of Intensive Magnitude’: JBSP (Originally published online: 18 August 2020).

Abstract: In Bergson and Intensive Magnitude: Dismantling his Critique, Florian Vermeiren argues that Bergson’s critique of intensive magnitude in Time and Free Will is inconsistent with his later philosophy, and even inconsistent with the role of a “difference in degrees of freedom” in Time and Free Will. I argue that it is rather Vermeiren’s analysis which mischaracterizes Bergson’s critique and therefore the interpretation of an inconsistency cannot stand. In the first two sections I reevaluate Bergson’s critique, showing what, according to Bergson, are the good and bad senses of intensity, and how this critique allowed Bergson to institute a new conception of difference as expressed in concrete continuity. In the finally section I examine the importance of infinitesimal thought in Bergson’s good sense of intensity.

Full article: https://doi.org/10.1080/00071773.2020.1806688

John R. Bagby, Philosophy Department, Boston College, Boston, MA, USA

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