JBSP Online: Ulrich Lincoln – The Intentionality and Textuality of Listening

journal update

Available now, Lincoln’s essay for the Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, online in advance of the paper edition.

Ulrich Lincoln– ‘The Intentionality and Textuality of Listening: The Phenomenological Basis of Hermeneutical Theology’ (Originally published online: 18 November 2019).

Abstract: The article argues that theological hermeneutics by its own standards requires a theological understanding of the act of human listening. Based upon a phenomenological approach to this act, and drawing especially on Husserl and Ihde, an analysis of auditory intentionality is carried out. The categories of voice and auditory horizon are then applied to the field of theology. Using further insights by Ricoeur, Barth and Kierkegaard, it is argued that the auditory dimension in theology can be reconstructed as the experience both of listening to Scripture as well as listening with Scripture.

Full article: https://doi.org/10.1080/00071773.2019.1687977

Ulrich Lincoln, Ev.-luth. Propstei Vorsfelde, Wolfsburg, Germany

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