Job: funded PhD position on the analytic phenomenology of remembering

From Denis Perrin, Professor of philosophy of mind and language at the Université Grenoble Alpes. Fully funded PhD position 2024-7.

JOB: funded PhD position on the analytic phenomenology of remembering at the Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Grenoble

Denis Perrin writes:

I’m seeking applicants for a fully funded PhD position for the period 2024-2027, starting next fall at the Centre for Philosophy of Memory (CPM, Under my supervision, the PhD will be carried out within a CPM (Denis Perrin) / LSE (Ali Boyle) project on the phenomenology of episodic remembering from the perspective of analytic philosophy. Non-French candidates are very much welcome since the PhD will be written in English and activities at the CPM are all in English.

The PhD student will work at the CPM, on the main campus of the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA). Located in a small city surrounded by the Alps, the UGA is one of the largest universities in France. Founded in 2018, the CPM is part of the Institut de philosophie de Grenoble (IPhiG) at the UGA. The CPM offers a highly collaborative and dynamic research environment. Its members regularly coauthor, co-edit, and co-organize, and the centre hosts frequent seminars, workshops, and visiting researchers.

*Master’s degree in philosophy (or close to completion)
*Fluency in spoken and written English

The deadline for expressions of interest is May 30, 2024. If you’re interested, please write to [email protected].

Denis Perrin, Professor of philosophy of mind and language at the Université Grenoble Alpes.