The BSP teams up with the National University of Ireland Galway & The Irish Philosophical Society for major online event.
Joint international conference between the National University of Ireland Galway | Ollscoil Na Héireann Gaillimh, The Irish Philosophical Society | Cumann Fealsúnachta Na Héireann, and the British Society for Phenomenology.

This conference explores the question of the future from phenomenological and other philosophical perspectives. We encourage papers on various aspects of this question, whether ontological, ethical, aesthetical, epistemological, and in relation to political theory, gender theory, critical race theory, ecology, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, and analytic philosophy. We would particularly welcome applications from practitioners who are interested in the application of phenomenology, philosophy, and theory in their professional disciplines.
Location: Online event platform and discussion forum for
registered attendees
Date: Wednesday 1 – Friday 3 September 2021
To find out more about the 2021 conference, check out the event homepage of ‘The Future as a Present Concern’ International Conference Online 2021: NUIG – IPS – BSP.
To learn more about attendee experience at the 2020 online conference, see the feedback at BSP Annual Conference 2020 Online – attendees tell us what they think. We are really proud of the results, especially on key metrics such as ‘enjoyment’, ‘would you attend another BSP event’, ‘recommend to others’, ‘respect and kindness’, and ‘impact’. Here’s a snapshot: