JBSP Online: Lode Lauwaert – Violence as an Expression of Energy

journal update

Lode Lauwaert’s essay for the Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, published online in advance of the paper edition.

Lode Lauwaert – ‘Violence as an Expression of Energy’ (Originally published online: 5 August 2019).

Abstract: The literary oeuvre of Marquis de Sade (1740–1814) has attracted a great deal of interest over the past 200 years, not only from writers, but also from numerous leading philosophers. Among them is Georges Bataille, who particularly emphasizes the apathetic character of the Sadean libertines, meaning that they feel nothing at all. More specifically, the French philosopher focuses on their apathetic enjoyment that goes hand in hand with the abuse of victims. The goal of this article is to clarify that peculiar pleasure by comparing it, among other things, with stoicism and mysticism. It will be shown that in the Sadean universe not moral transgression is central, but rather the transgression of a metaphysical boundary, i.e. the boundary between the human and non-human.

Full article: https://doi.org/10.1080/00071773.2019.1646504

Lode Lauwaert, Catholic University of Loeven, Leuven, Belgium

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Reminder: Registration is still open for the British Society for Phenomenology’s 2019 Annual Conference. The conference is to be held in Manchester, UK, from Thursday 5 – Saturday 7 September 2019. For the programme and more details see the BSP 2019 annual conference homepage.