JBSP Online: Nicolai Krejberg Knudsen on Ethics and Ontology in Heidegger’s Aristotle

journal update

Hot off the press, Nicolai Krejberg Knudsen’s latest essay for the JBSP, published online in advance of the paper edition.

Nicolai Krejberg Knudsen – ‘Relationality and Commitment: Ethics and Ontology in Heidegger’s Aristotle’ (Originally published online: 7 February 2019)

Abstract: This article discusses the tension between social relationality and self-relationality central to Heidegger’s ontology of Dasein and the possible ways of reconciling this tension. Arguing that this is a tension between communicability and existential commitments, the article poses the question: How are existential commitments responsive to communication? After problematizing the quasi-Kantian and communitarian ways of settling the tension, the article uses Heidegger’s early reading of Aristotle to develop a third hermeneutic model of ethical relationality according to which existential commitments are shareable in communication, since ethos – the existential posture towards the good – arises out of pathos that exposes Dasein to coexistence. The account of ethical relationality found in Heidegger’s interpretation of Aristotle thus takes the world to be a shared and dynamic ontological condition and emphasize that the world constitutes selfhood in a way that is constantly at stake in ethical communication.

Full article: https://doi.org/10.1080/00071773.2019.1574218

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