‘The Poetics of Phenomenology’ Online Workshop

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Online Workshop convened by The University of Tübingen running from 3 – 5 December 2020. Registration closes 20 November 2020.

‘The Poetics of Phenomenology’ Online Workshop
Date: 3rd – 5th December 2020 (Thursday – Saturday)
The University of Tübingen

Registration Deadline: 20 November 2020

Guest Speakers
> Hayden Kee (University of Windsor)
> Glen Mazis (Penn State Harrisburg)
> Kristina Mendicino (Brown University)
> Michael O’Sullivan (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
> Veronika Reichl (Scholar and Artist)
> Christoph Reinfandt (University of Tübingen)

Maurice Merleau-Ponty, in his working notes of The Visible and The Invisible, proposes that both philosophy and literature deploy the creative use of language to express human existence: “philosophy as supreme art: for art and philosophy together are […] contact with Being precisely as creations. Being is what requires creation of us for us to experience it” (p. 197, emphases original). Heidegger, a votary of Hölderlin, writes, “Poetry is what first brings man onto the earth, making him belong to it, thus brings him into dwelling” (Poetry, Language, and Thought, p. 216). With regard to this shared concern of philosophy and literature about existence, the workshop “The Poetics of Phenomenology” aims to create a dialogue between scholars from both disciplines. While literary scholars are not unfamiliar with deconstruction and reader-response theories, which have their roots in phenomenology, philosophy, as Merleau-Ponty and Heidegger point out, also has its own literariness. The workshop therefore not only proposes the application of phenomenological concepts to textual analysis but also suggests an understanding of phenomenology and literature in light of each other by considering two main aspects: phenomenology as a practice in literary studies and reading phenomenology as a literary practice.

For a full overview and registration information see ‘The Poetics of Phenomenology’ website.